Conferences - Differences in all 3 rulebooks


 A.      HIGH SCHOOL – DEFINITION – A charged conference is a meeting between the coach or his non-playing representative and a player or players. (2-10-1; 3-4-1)

B.      NCAA – DEFINITION – Same definition as High School.  (6-5e AR) Also, It is an “Offensive trip” when 2 offensive coaches delay the game to confer. (6-5f)

C.      PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL (OBR) – Not applicable.  Note: In FED and NCAA, a defensive conference is not charged when the pitcher is removed.  OBR is similar:  A skipper who removes his pitcher still has a free trip that inning to the new pitcher.  The “removal” visit, then, is not a trip.  Moreover, if the manager goes to the mound, removes his pitcher – and remains to talk to the reliever, that is not considered a trip to the new pitcher.  (MLBUM 7.12) 


 A.      HIGH SCHOOL – Conferences do not accumulate for use in extra innings. (3-4-1; 3.4.1)

B.      NCAA – Conferences, whether defensive (9-4a AR2) or offensive, (6-5f-3) accumulate.

C.      OBR – Not applicable. 


 A.      HIGH SCHOOL – The coach may stand with his pitcher at the mound between ½ innings.  If his presence creates a delay – PENALTY: The umpire “may” charge a conference. (3-4-1h)

B.      NCAA – No provision.

C.      OBR – Point not covered.  Official Interpretation by Barney Deary in 1985.  Same as high school 3.4.1h.  “If such a ‘conference’ delays the game:  Following the first delay, the umpire should warn the coach that on the next delay he will be charged with a trip to the mound.  A team must be warned once per game before the penalty is invoked. 


 A.      HIGH SCHOOL – Coaches or their non-playing representatives may confer with a defensive player or players during a charged conference. (2-10-1; 3-4-1)  Website 2007, #4 – Also, if a defensive coach attends an injured player on the field, the other defensive coach ‘is free to have a conference’ with the pitcher. (3.4.1 e & f).  Note:  The casebook ruling indicates that if the umpire believes a player is faking an injury so that confidential information can be given to anyone on the field, the umpire may prohibit additional conferences from “taking place at that time.”

B.      NCAA – Point not covered.  Official Interpretation by Rich Fetchiet in 2001:  If 2 coaches go onto the field during the same conference, each is charged with a conference.  Official interpretation from Jim Paronto 2009 – I would tend to follow the pro interpretation of not allowing the 2nd coach on the field.  E-mail from Paronto to Larry Gallagher.

C.      OBR – Point not covered.  Official interpretation from Mike Fitzpatrick in 2001.  Allow one coach inside the diamond per trip.  Do not permit a 2nd conference while the same batter is at bat.  Also, if a pitching change is made, the coach may not huddle with his defensive players after leaving the mound as that is prohibited by 8.06c.               

Play:  A pitching coach makes a pitching change.  After he leaves the mound, the head coach calls his defense to the foul line to chat while the new pitcher is warming up.  Ruling: 

In FED, the conference is legal. 

In NCAA, charge the defense with 2 conferences. 

In OBR, warn the coach he must not engage in that discussion.  If he insists on the conference, eject him.  When the hitter finishes his at-bat, eject the pitcher as well.

Note:  Umpires at all levels should make sure that a visit to an “injured” player is not simply a ploy to get confidential information to the mound or infield.  If the skipper does begin to “coach” (disregarding the ‘injury’), charge the defense with a conference or a trip.



 A.      HIGH SCHOOL (FED) – Point not covered.  Official Interpretation – Brad Rumble in 1989 in the newsletter #41 stated, “A coach may request time for a conference, confer with one player in one part of the field and then move to meet another player as part of the same charged conference.

B.      NCAA – No provision.

C.      OBR – One coach or manager is permitted during each trip.  (8.06) 


 A.      FED – Point not covered.  Official interpretation by Brad Rumble in the newsletter #32 in 1986 stated, “An umpire may charge a conference when the coach approaches the foul line to shout instructions to the defense if the umpire believes the coach is ‘conferring’ with his players.  Also, a coach who yells defensive instructions from the dugout is not charged with a conference. (3.4.1i)

B.      NCAA – A coach may not circumvent the charged conference rules, such as but not limited to going near the foul line to confer with the pitcher or a defensive player. (9.4a-2)  If a coach talks to a defensive player, that shall be ‘considered a trip whether the player goes to the mound or not.’ (9-4a-2 AR1)

C.      OBR – When a coach confers with a defensive player, a trip is charged only when – before a pitch or intervening play – the player goes to the mound or the pitcher comes to the player.  (8.06 Comment) 


 A.      1) A defensive conference held in fair territory ends when the coach crosses the foul line on his way back to the bench; a defensive conference held in foul territory ends when the coach first starts back to his bench (3-4-3; 3.4.3); 2) An offensive conference ends when the coach first starts back to his position (3-4-4; 3.4.4); 3) A conference between a restricted coach and a player or players ends when any player starts back to his position.  The umpire shall allow a ‘reasonable’ amount of time for any conference (3-4-4), but he may inform a coach that his ‘time is up.’ (3.4.3)

B.      NCAA – A conference, which may include a meeting with infielders, begins when the coach crosses the foul line.  It ends when the coach leaves the dirt circle or the pitcher begins his eight warm-up pitches. (9-4d)  Note:  The book gives no guidelines for what action ends an offensive conference.  BRD recommends:  Use of the FED regulation.

C.      OBR – A trip to the mound ends when the coach leaves the circle at the mound. (8.06)  Also, Official Interpretation from the PBUC Manual:  When the manager or coach leaves the 18-foot circle surrounding the pitcher’s plate, ‘he must keep going and not return to the mound.’ (6.10)  Also, Official interpretation from MLBUM:  If the trip occurs ‘on the grass’ and then moves to the dirt of the mound, the conference ends when the coach or manager ‘breaks’ from the meeting. (7.12) 


 A.      HIGH SCHOOL – 1) After 3 charged conferences during regulation play, the pitcher must be replaced as pitcher for the remainder of regulation play each time the coach confers with any defensive player.  2) On the 2nd (and each successive charged conference in any extra inning, the pitcher must be replaced as pitcher for the remainder of the game.  3) In either case, the pitcher may remain in the game; if he leaves, he may reenter later at a non-pitching position if he has not previously left the game.  (3-4-1; 3-4-1 Penalty; 3.4.1c)

B.      NCAA – 1) After 3 charged conferences during regulation play.  Same as FED in regulation. (9-4a) Exception: 2) After the 2nd charged conference in any ½ inning:  Same as OBR. (9-4b)  Also, if extra innings are played, a team is entitled to one additional charged conference for the remainder of the game, regardless of how many innings (9-4a), but unused conferences from the regulation portion of the game accumulate. (9-4a
AR 2) Note: BRD recommends:  Warn a coach before he uses his “excessive” conference.  After all, by rule the umpire is required to warn the coach when he has uses his last offensive conference. (6-5f-2)

Play – Part one:  FED and NCAA only.  In 2 simultaneous games played on adjoining fields: 

At the end of regulation play Coach Vasquez (FED) has used 3 conferences and Coach Neeley (NCAA) has used 2. 

In the first extra inning each coach visits Bubba, the pitcher.  Bubba stays in the game.  In that same inning each coach visits the mound a second time.  Ruling: 

In FED, Coach Vasquez must remove Bubba; he already used his free trip that inning.  So Vasquez puts Scott on the mound. 

In NCAA, Bubba is also finished (because of the 2nd trip in one inning), but it is only the 3rd conference in the game for Coach Neeley, who also sends in Scott.

Play – Part two:  FED and NCAA only.  In the same inning, both coaches visit the mound a 3rd time.  Ruling: 

Vasquez must remove Scott even though it is his first visit to that pitcher.  (Vasquez has already used his free trip.  He gets another free trip in the next inning.) 

In NCAA, Scott may stay.  But every time Neeley visits the mound for the remainder of the game, his pitcher must be removed. 

Note: If Vasquez or Neeley was coaching in an OBR game, Scott would get to stay, for it would be the coach’s first trip to that pitcher in that inning.

C.      OBR – The pitcher must leave the mound when the manager makes a second trip in the same ½ inning.  (8.06b)  Also, Official Interpretation from the PBUC Manual:  On the 2nd trip in a ½ inning, the pitcher must be removed “FROM THE GAME.” [original emphasis] [6.10]  Also, Official Interpretation from the PBUC Manual: The pitcher may remain in the game only when he is removed from the mound on the manager’s first visit of the inning. [6.10]  Note: Amateur coaches and players using OBR rules are sometimes unaware of the Official Interpretation and though the interpretations should be standard for all games played under OBR rules.  BRD strongly recommends:  Discuss the provision at the pregame meeting unless you are certain both teams understand the rule.

Play – The coach sprints to the mound and – because of some rule – is required to remove his pitcher. 

Ruling:  At all levels the pitcher is barred from returning to pitch. 

In FED and NCAA, he may remain as a fielder (or in NCAA as the DH). 

In OBR, the pitcher must leave the game.

Play – FED and NCAA only.  After the first pitch in the top of the seventh inning, the coach goes to the mound.  It is discovered he is taking his fourth charged conference.  Ruling: 

The pitcher is finished as a pitcher in that game. 



A.      FED – Not applicable.  The FED coach can make all 3 free trips during the same at bat if he so chooses to do so.

B.      NCAA – A coach may not make a second trip to the mound in the same ½ inning with the same player at bat.  However, if a pinch-hitter enters the game after the coach’s “free” trip, the coach may make a second trip but he must remove the pitcher form the mound.  (9-4c) Exception:  If the pitcher has not faced on batter:  When the offense pinch bats, the coach may go to the mound if he has a “free” trip available and if it is not his second trip to that pitcher.  (9-4c)

Play:  NCAA only.  Having been charged with no conferences, Coach Vasquez brings Parker in to pitch in the 6th.  Parker immediately walks the 1st batter he faces.  Long-suffering Vasquez returns to the mound to discuss the falling NASDAQ.  Bubba steps up to hit and promptly swings at 2 pitches over his head.  The offensive coach next sends Scott to pinch hit – with 2 strikes.  Coach Vasquez now wants to go back to the mound to replace Parker.  Ruling:  Vasquez may return because of the pinch hitter for Bubba.  Parker may not return to pitch in that contest.

C.      Same as NCAA.  Exception:  The coach/manager has no “free” trips:  On the 2nd visit, the pitcher must leave the game.  (8.06d) 


A.      HIGH SCHOOL – The umpire will not allow a defensive conference if it causes the removal of a pitcher who has not complied with the pitching-substitution rule. (3-1-2) Note:  No penalty is listed for a coach who insists on illegally going to the mound.  The umpire’s only recourse would be restriction to the dugout or ejection.

B.      NCAA – Point not covered.  Official Interpretation on 11/89 by Thurston – Same as FED 3-1-2, with additions below. 

MISTAKEN ILLEGAL CONFERENCE:  If the coach is erroneously allowed to go to the mound for any conference that creates a conflict with pitcher-substitution restrictions, the pitcher must pitch until the current hitter completes his at bat or the ½ inning ends.  Then the pitcher will be removed from the mound for the remainder of the game.  The coach may remain.

INTENTIONAL ILLEGAL CONFERENCE:  If the coach insists on making an illegal trip, he is ejected.  When the current hitter completes his bat, F1 is also ejected.  Note:  NCAA 9-4c-3 provides an identical penalty, but it is reserved for those times when the coach insists on a conference while the same batter is at the plate.

C.      OBR – Same as FED.  (3.05c Comment)Play:  NCAA and OBR only.  Bubba gives up his 5th hit in a row, and his coach goes to the mound, later signaling for reliever Poe.  Hemingway is scheduled to bat, but Faulkner is announced as a pitch hitter.  Ruling: 

In NCAA, the coach may return unless he has already been charged with 3 conferences, when the umpire will not allow the trip.  If the skipper crosses the foul line in spite of a warning, he is ejected.  Poe also will be history as soon as Faulkner completes his at bat.  If all free trips have been used and the umpire erroneously allows the visit, Poe will pitch to Faulkner and then he is removed from the mound for the remainder of the game; the coach gets to stay.  In OBR, since that is the coach/manager’s first trip to Poe (the meeting when Bubba was relieved does not count as a trip) the visit is legal. 


A.      FEDERATION - If one team calls time, during that conference the opposing coach, whether on offense or defense, may confer with his players without being charged a conference as long as the meeting ends about the same time as the other team’s charged conference.  (3-4-5; 3.4.1b)  Also, Official Interpretation by Brad Rumble:  While the umpire is dusting the plate or the catcher is meeting with the pitcher, if the offensive coach visits a player without delaying the game, no conference is charged.  (Referee – 10/85)

B.      NCAA – If a defensive coach requests time and is charged with a conference, the opposing coach is not charged with an offensive conference unless they delay the game.  (6-5f-4)  Also, Official Interpretation by Thurston on 11/9/90  If the defense confers during a charged offensive conference, the defense is still charged with a conference on 11/9/90.  Also, during a ‘prolonged injury timeout,’ a meeting anywhere, even at the mound, between pitcher and coach is not a trip unless the meeting causes further delay.  (9-4a AR4)

C.      OBR:  Point not covered.  Official Interpretation from the PBUC STAFF – the same as the NCAA Official Interpretation on an email to Carl Childress on 12/15/00 and a phone call on 11/8/01.Play – The 3rd-base coach signals for time to talk to B1.  As they meet between home and third, the defensive coach hustles out to chat BRIEFLY with his pitcher.  The 2 conversations break up about the same time.  Ruling: 

In FED, do not charge the defense with a conference; rather, the conference is charged to the offense.  In NCAA and OBR, it is a charged defensive conference or trip to the mound.  In NCAA, it is also an offensive trip: 2 for the price of one. 


A.      FED – A coach, without penalty, may have three charged conferences per game, with one per inning in an extra-inning contest.  (3-4-1)  Also, Official Interpretation by Brad Rumble in the Newsletter #32 on 4/81 stated, “After having batted, if a team huddles together before taking the field, the umpire should warn the team that on any subsequent “huddle,” the coach will be charged with a conference.

B.      NCAA – The coach has 3 charged conferences, plus one for the entire extra-inning period. (9-4a)

C.      OBR – Not applicable.  Note:  In games played under a time limit such as USSSA youth games, BRD recommends using the FED Official Interpretation to hurry the defense onto the field. 


A.      FED – The offense may have one charged conference per inning.  The umpire will deny any subsequent request for a conference. (3-4-2)

B.      NCAA – The offense may have three free conferences per game.  With one additional conference for the duration of any extra innings.  Conferences accumulate.  An offensive “trip” is charged each time a coach delays the game or requests time to talk to offensive personnel, whether hitter, runner, on-deck batter, or another coach. (6-5f) Note Bravo for the college half of Indianapolis.  Defensive/offensive conferences are treated the same.  Bravo, I say again!  Also, the umpire will warn a coach when he has completed his maximum number of offensive trips (6-5f2)

Penalty: 1) If the coach persists in an illegal offensive conference, the player involved is ejected. 

2) When 2 offensive coaches confer during an “excess” offensive trip, the assistant coach must be removed from the game.  (6-5-2 Penalty)

Note: BRD recommends: Warn the defensive coach before he uses his last visit.  Also, Official Interpretation by Thurston at the NCAA Meeting on 11/8/92 stated, “If 2 players are involved in the same “excess” offensive trip, the coach will decide which one of the players must leave the game.  Also, when an offensive substitute enters the game, do not charge an offensive trip even if team members confer.     (6-5f-2 Penalty)

C.      OBR – No provision. 


A.      FED – Not applicable.

B.      NCAA – Not applicable.

C.      OBR – Point not covered.  Official Interpretation from the PBUC Manual – If a player-manager goes to the mound, the umpire shall always charge a trip to the mound. (6.11)

Also, an official interpretation from the PBUC Manual – If a player-coach makes a trip to the mound, it is a trip by a player unless the umpire judges the player-coach is abusing that privilege, when he will inform the player-coach that the next visit will be charged as a trip to the mound (6.12)



A.      FED – A coach with 3 charged conferences may remove his pitcher without going to the mound.  If no other rule impinges, such as a limitation of innings pitched or player being withdrawn a second time, the pitcher may return to the mound in that contest. (3.4.1g) 

Note:  The casebook ruling points out that “no conversation” between coach and players may occur during the switch.  The purpose of the limitation of conferences is to prevent a team from unduly delaying the game.  Whether the coach has his “fourth conference” on the mound or at home plate, it still results in delay.  The NCAA and OBR sensibly treat a “trip”, wherever it takes place.

B.      NCAA – After having been charged with a trip to the mound in an inning or having been charged with three trips in a non-extra-inning game, if the coach goes to the umpire to make a pitching change, that shall constitute an excessive trip, (change) which shall be charged when the umpire enters it on the official lineup card.  The pitcher, if he remains in the game, may not return to pitch in that contest. (9-4b AR 1)

Note: One can only surmise that the purpose of charging the conference only after it is recorded is to give the coach time to change his mind.

C.      OBR – Point not covered.  Official Interpretation by Mike Fitzpatrick and edited – The pitcher is removed from the game if the coach, conferring with the umpire, has already been once to the mound in that ½-inning. (phone call to Carl Childress on 11/9/00) 


A.      FED – The umpire is required to keep a record of all charged defensive and offensive conferences and notify the coach each time a conference is charged. (10-2-3)

B.      NCAA – The umpire is required to keep a record of “offensive” conferences and to notify the coach when each is charged. (6-5f-1) Also, the umpire will record each free trip (defensive conference) and the inning it occurred. (9-4a Note)

C.      OBR – Not applicable.

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